Adnan Syed

7 hours agoAdnan Syed has always maintained his innocence in the 1999 murder of ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee for decades but he was …

Adnan Syed

Serial Podcast Episode 8 The Deal With Jay The State S Case Against Adnan Syed Hinged On Jay S Credibility He Was T…


畠山氏は武蔵国を本拠とする武家の一族 主に 桓武 かんむ 平氏系と 清和 せいわ 源氏系の2家系があります. 畠山重忠 はたけやましげただ は 平安時代末期から鎌倉時代初期の武将で鎌倉幕府の有力御家人 です. Pin By…